The Texas Lawyers’ Assistance Program wishes to thank Texas Lawyer for publishing the article ‘The Depressed Lawyer: Recognizing and Helping Those in Crisis‘ in your February issue. We applaud any effort to draw attention to the critical need to address substance use, mental health issues and overall wellness in the legal community.

We agree that more efforts are needed in this area. We also want your readers to know about the services, tools, and educational materials that are available, right now, to help them. The Texas Lawyers’ Assistance Program——is a national leader in this field, providing 24/7 confidential assistance to Texas lawyers, judges, law students, and legal employers. Established in 1989, TLAP stands ready to help with suicide prevention, stress and anxiety, depression and bipolar conditions, cognitive decline, substance abuse, and overall wellness matters. Also, the nonprofit Sheeran-Crowley Trust—— provides financial help to Texas attorneys, judges, and law students who cannot afford needed treatment for substance abuse, depression, and other mental health issues.