IT IS HARD TO BELIEVE, BUT IT IS A NEW YEAR. My grandmother always said that the older you get, the faster time goes by. It could not be truer. Whether it is age-related, being a parent, or having a busy career—or probably all of the above—this past year has gone by faster than any other year before it. (I swear I feel like I just put up my 2017 calendar on the wall in my office.)

So with every year that seems to go by faster, resolutions become ever more important to me. And of course there are the go-to staples: eat right, exercise more and do more for those less fortunate. And they are all on my list. But there are also ones I try to do daily. One of those is being more mindful—being in the moment in whatever I am doing. That is especially important when it comes to spending time with the people I love. It is making sure to embrace those special moments and to prioritize creating those happy core memories. But another one I hold dear is to lead by example—not only in my personal life, but in my work environment, too. To me, being a leader is not given by title but is something that is earned. Among other things, I believe it is earned by empowering those around you, and bringing out the best in others. That is the only way to really succeed as a team. And I see that routinely in the Texas Lawyer community. People building up people—it is the only way to achieve real success and fulfillment. Speaking of which, I want to acknowledge the most important factor of our team—you, the Texas Lawyer reader. I am very grateful for your support this past year. You make us want to give our best, and we couldn’t do it without you. So I raise a glass to my whole Texas team—inside and outside the office. And I wish you all a very blessed 2018.