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Judges Face-Off in Court in Case of First Impression Over Ju...

In a case of first impression, the incumbent Place 9 justice at the First District Court of Appeals is asking the Texas Supreme Court to resolve whether a challenger can remain on the Democratic Party primary ballot. In 2023, the Texas Legislature enacted H.B. 2384, which created a list of criteria intended to establish professional qualifications viewable to the public for any person seeking elected office as a district court judge or appellate court justice. Lloyd Earl Kelley, counsel for the real party in interest, candidate Amber Michele Boyd-Cora, said Boyd-Cora is one of four black judicial candidates he is representing that have had their status on a ballot challenged by incumbents that use the new law to selectively exclude challengers of African-American origin.


January 04, 2024, 2:57 PM

nature of claim: /