As noted in a January 17, 2013 Notice to the Bar ("Supreme Court Adoption of Amendments to Rule 1:21-1 ('Bona Fide Office')"), the Supreme Court asked the Professional Responsibility Rules Committee (PRRC) "to review any other Court Rules and Rules of Professional Conduct that use 'bona fide office' terminology (e.g. Rule 1:21-1(a)(one remaining reference), Rule 1:21-2(a), Rule 1:21-9(c)(3), and RPC 5.5(c)(5)) and make appropriate recommendations to the Court." In response, in its May 20, 2013 out-of-cycle report, the PRRC recommended to the Court amendments to Rules 1:20-1(c), 1:21-1(a), 1:21-2(a), and 1:21-9(c)(3), and to RPC 5.5(c)(5).

The Court has considered the PRRC's report and has adopted the recommended rule amendments. Those amendments will be included in the omnibus rule amendment order, which will have a July 9, 2013 adopted date and a September 1, 2013 effective date, and which shortly will be posted on the Judiciary's website ( and published.