Development Moratoria Resurrected in the Highlands
Through "checklist ordinances," towns effectively delegate their authority over land use to the Highlands Council
By Guliet D. Hirsch

Avoiding Consumer Fraud Liability in Contractor Collections Cases
New Jersey contractors seeking payment for their work  face the intricacies of the Consumer Fraud Act.
By Michael A. Austin

‘Bad Boy’ Guaranty Gets a Surprising Interpretation
N.J. courts have expanded the liability of guarantors under nonrecourse carve-out guaranties
By Russell Bershad

A Standing Dilemma
Is possession of a negotiable note required to foreclose a securitized mortgage?
By Robert E. Nies and Michael R. Caruso

The Seven Habits of Effective Loan Workouts
Applying Stephen R. Covey’s principles to lenders, borrowers and their attorneys
By Robert G. Wilk

Crafting a Construction Contract To Protect the Owner
Proper negotiation, drafting and administration of a construction contract can provide a plethora of protections to a property owner.
By Andrew D. Klein