Since the death of George Floyd and the world wide protests against police abuses there has been a clamor for reform.  Congress is at an impasse to enact legislation. Municipal officials, police supervisors, and people in the community have difficulty in coming to a consensus on how to change the structure, the practice and policies of policing and the culture. Much has been written about the Camden City police, its Use of Force polices and the creation of a new police department.

The City Police was replaced by a County Police Department.  In five years Camden went from being the most dangerous city in the country to a city where the police are respected and the rates of crime have dramatically dropped. They were rated number one in murders per capita and in the top five in other categories of major crimes. The murder rates have been reduced by 50%.  The homicide clearance rates went from 16% to 80%.   The Use of Force incident were reduced more than 90%.