Justice Manuel Mendez

Aprile moved to enjoin defendants from selling or removing any furniture fixtures and equipment from the bar restaurant, and compelling defendants to turn over the keys to the premises. Defendants cross-moved to extend their time to remove possessions. Men of Invention LLC was formed by plaintiff and defendants in 2010, and was to dissolve in September 2013. The lease provided that tenant should remove all property from the premises. The court noted, however, plaintiff failed to establish the elements for the granting of the requested relief. It noted the LLC was permitted to remove all of its property, including trade fixtures, which could be removed by tenant without damaging the property, at the termination of the lease. Yet, the court ruled tenant was not allowed to remove the fixtures which became property of the landlord. The court noted defendants requested a reasonable time after the lease’s termination to remove its property, noting this could not be accomplished sooner as a temporary restraining order prevented the property’s removal. Defendants stated the lease expired on Sept. 14, 2013, and plaintiff wanted them to turn over the keys on Sept. 15. The court denied plaintiff’s motion, granting defendants’ cross-motion.