A French teacher at an exclusive private school who, with the permission of parents, let students drink wine while on a field trip to France could not convince a judge her contract had been breached when she was fired for violating school policies against drinking. All of the parents of the six seniors that Daniele Benatouil, a 12-year teacher at The Calhoun School on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, took to France in May 2010 agreed in writing that their children could have a glass of wine during dinner. But the school has a “zero tolerance” policy toward drug, alcohol and cigarette use, and parents and students were required to complete a form promising to “abstain from all alcohol and drugs” during the trip.

Administrators learned of the imbibing during an after-trip presentation. They claim that Benatouil, who was making just over $80,000 a year, resigned after “insubordinate” behavior and “profane” language during a meeting. Benatouil said she acted professionally but was terminated and asked to leave the building. She filed suit against the school later in 2010.