What are some of your proudest achievements from the past year? Without question, it was the launch of The Hub. It’s a bold goal, but we are really looking to change the way law firms engage with their clients and community. With the Hub, I believe we are well on our way. Feedback has been outstanding. We’re on something like over 600 devices in just a few months, and have gotten feedback from strangers around the globe asking for more. One of my clients, a director at KKR, said he’d never seen anything like this from a law firm and that “the ability to get real time market intel plus a ton of to-the-point content on the phone is a game changer.” Hearing things like that fills me with pride and gratitude for the support I’ve received from King & Spalding to pursue this dream.

What, if any, obstacles stood in the way of your innovation, and how did you overcome them? I knew nothing about how to build an app going into it. This was very much an exercise in learning on the fly. There were probably six or seven ideas of mine that failed entirely or got re-worked before we ended up with a finished product. Everything takes longer than you hope it will, and you have to be a strong communicator to be able to rely on others to bring your visions to life. I wasn’t going to learn to write code in my spare time, so there was a leap of faith involved in working with a third-party app creator. It can be difficult to cede that kind of control over your brainchild, but in the end their insight and opinions helped to make an even more user-friendly and polished product.