What are some of your proudest recent achievements? My proudest achievements have been in cases where we were able to mobilize multidisciplinary and often worldwide teams to litigate complex disputes involving issues that at first impression seemed inconsistent and incompatible. One example is a series of cases for Samsung against Ericsson that were litigated multiple times over many years. Each iteration of the cases and trials built on previous disputes, and became increasingly complex and multidimensional. Many of the cases involved balancing conflicting themes, such as attacking and defending patents and invention stories for technology adopted in the same communications standards, harmonizing conflicting behavior of the parties over many years to address antitrust, competition, tort and equitable claims and defenses, and balancing the legal themes and evidence needed for cases in legal systems around the globe with significantly different rules and requirements while preserving a consistent thematic approach for the overall dispute.

Another example is a district court trial where we defeated claims of infringement and proved invalidity on multiple communications patents for a series of defendants from around the globe. Each defendant had its own story, history and products, but because they were all tried before a single jury we needed to weave together a single story with a consistent theme that worked for all the witnesses and parties.