The New York City Bar Association held its annual Diversity & Inclusion Celebration Dinner on June 27 and honored three attorneys with the Diversity Champion Award. The award recognizes extraordinary individuals whose actions and activities within the legal profession, particularly in New York City, embody the Statement of Diversity Principles by facilitating “diversity in the hiring, retention and promotion of attorneys and in the elevation of attorneys to leadership positions within our respective organizations.”

From left: Roger Juan Maldonado, president, New York City Bar Association and partner at Smith, Gambrell & Russell; Gabrielle Lyse Brown, executive director of Diversity and Inclusion, New York City Bar Association; Sheila Kearney Davidson (honoree), executive vice president, chief legal officer, and general counsel at New York Life Insurance Co.; John Mbiti, (honoree), director & counsel, Credit Suisse Asset Management; Susan Shin (honoree), partner at Arnold & Porter; Kathy Chin, co-chair, City Bar’s Enhance Diversity in the Profession Committee; Justice Rosalyn Richter, co-chair, City Bar’s Enhance Diversity in the Profession Committee; and Bret Parker,  executive director, New York City Bar Association.