'Another Arrow in the Quiver': Quinn Brings AI-Backed Litigation Forecasting Tools to All US Lawyers
AI/IP Issues Part 2: What Current Litigation Can Tell Us About Where IP in AI Is Heading
Legal Speak's 'Sidebar with Saul' Part II: GOP Pols Push Misinformation, Cohen Keeps It Together
Moving Beyond Individual Tasks to Seeing How a Case Works 'From Start to Finish'
An Advocate's Voice: Are You Stuck With the Voice You Were Born With? Or Can It Be Trained?
Litigator of the Week Runners-Up and Shout Outs
Legal Speak's 'Sidebar With Saul: The First Trump Criminal Trial'
A Few Litigation-Centric Observations About the Am Law 200
Report: Uptick in Litigation Demand Highlights Strong First Quarter for Large, Midsize Law Firms
O'Melveny Team Takes Pro Bono Client From 'Life Without Parole' to Life on the Outside
Legal Speak: Aaron Sorkin This Is Not - Trump Trial with Emily Saul (Part 1)
Litigators of the Week: Robins Kaplan Wins First Trial Against Aerosol Dust Remover Maker
Litigator of the Week Runners-Up and Shout Outs
With Momentum For Diversity Trial Advocacy Program, ACTL Plans 4th and 5th Installments
So You Think Courts Can Handle Questions of AI-Enhanced Evidence?
What the Decline in Jury Verdicts Means for Appellate Courts
New Rule on MDLs Should Prompt Courts to Reevaluate Involvement in Settlement
Litigators of the Week: Kirkland Beats Videogame Copyright Claim From Lebron James' Tattoo Artist
Litigator of the Week Runners-Up and Shout Outs
Discussing The Uptick in Women Arguing at SCOTUS With Akin's Aileen McGrath
Latham's 7-Year Fight to Reshape New York City Property Taxes
How Meta Finds the Right Teams for the Right Cases at the Right Prices
Legal Speak at General Counsel Conference Midwest 2024: Andy Goldberg, Laner Muchin Managing Partner
Meta's Nikki Stitt Sokol on Learning 'Litigation Is Always About a Story'
Legal Speak at General Counsel Conference Midwest 2024: Louwee Guevarra, VP and CTO at Kloves
Litigator of the Week: Landing a $525M Patent Verdict Against Amazon Web Services
Another Stellar Group of Litigator of the Week Runners-Up and Shout Outs
Logging 5,500 Miles to Handle 3 Arguments in 11 Days, Capped With a Quake
10 Things to Keep in Mind When Picking a Jury
After Munger Litigation Partner's AI-Focused Fellowship, a Call for More 'Tech Bono'
Litigators of the Week: Hitting Walmart With a $100M Verdict in Its Own Backyard
Litigator of the Week Runners-Up and Shout Outs
Litigator of the (Past) Week Runners-Up and Shout Outs
How Overseeing Legal Operations Has Affected How Steve Mahieu of Kraft Heinz Looks at Litigation
As 'Social Inflation' Helps Fuel 'Nuclear' Verdicts, Insurers Address 'Legal System Abuse'
Litigator of the Week Runners-Up and Shout Outs
'Trying to Make Some Order Out of All This Chaos': Thoughts on the MDL Process from 3 Federal Judges
Even When Witnesses Don't Tell You They're Panicking, They're Panicking
4 Out of Sidley's 5 Global IP Litigation Leaders Are Women. Here's How That's Shaped the Practice
Litigation Leaders: DWT's Jaime Drozd on Practicing as an Extension of Clients' Business
Litigators of the Week: Plaintiffs Reach a $418M Market-Shifting Settlement With Realtor Group
Litigator of the Week Runners-Up and Shout Outs
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