Most familiar with legal technology would not describe it as being at the forefront of technological innovation, but as providers continue pushing the envelope to stand at the front of the pack, some solutions are finding new ways to stand out. On Feb. 2, LexisNexis Legal & Professional (LNLP) announced Lexis DiscoveryIQ, an integrated e-discovery solution that contains visual analytics capabilities developed by data analysis provider Brainspace Corp.

“The two platforms [DiscoveryIQ and Brainspace] work together to process and ingest data and train data, and cull that into more relevant documents, bring those documents together in a custom way where you have the documents next to each other— so you can review them faster and get to production faster,” Steven Ashbacher, vice president of LNLP, told Legaltech News. “The whole point is, ‘let’s get there faster, and not have to put a whole bunch of people wrapped up around the review stage, which tends to be the most expensive stage and the most time consuming.”