How many vendor RFPs have you sent in preparation for a case? In how many of those have you been disappointed by the responses, or happy with the initial documents, but let down once usage begins? To avoid this frustration and waste, consider a new approach to choosing legal tech vendors.

Successful vendor selection starts with throwing out the standard RFP template. A one-size-fits-all vendor is just as uncomfortable as a one-size-fits-all t-shirt. Not only does your RFP need to be tailored to the specifics of the specific case in question, but it also needs to account for how your team actually works; technology should improve the processes that the team already uses, not be something for them to fight. To get this right, take time at the outset to anticipate your technology needs:

  1. Analyze invoices and hours from recent cases handled by the same team, looking for trends. For instance, are additional contract reviewers often added? Does the team log many hours on weekends? Does the team use certain operating systems or device types? Know what the team needs before you write your RFP.
  2. Review the specifics of the new case, comparing them to similar cases you’ve litigated. For instance, does the case involve a company with multinational offices? Does this particular opposing counsel tend to request native productions? What volume of data do you anticipate, and in what formats? Know what the case might entail before you write your RFP.