Though we typically explore B2B technology, we’re doing something a little different this month by delving into the adoption process for two B2C companies operating in the legal industry. Both offer services designed to help laypeople navigate aspects of the legal system that are less frequented by lawyers: small claims court and creating freelancer contracts. However, as any person who has either struggled to receive payment for their work or found themselves in small claims court can attest, operating without an attorney in these spaces is easier said than done.

To understand how People Clerk and Quiktract approach adoption, we spoke with People Clerk’s co-founders, Camila Lopez and Gustavo Lozano, as well as Quiktract’s co-founder and CEO Blake Stanton. We also heard from customers Tiffany Green, who used People Clerk to file a lawsuit in small claims court, and Jessie Sloan, a freelance marketing professional who has relied on Quiktract to draft contracts. Throughout our conversations, four adoption principals came to the forefront: