Looking to jump-start your legal technology career but don’t know how? Jared Coseglia of TRU Staffing Partners writes a monthly column on certifications to know and training to acquire in the industry for Legaltech News. This month’s piece takes a look at the revived LAW PreDiscovery certification, named CloudNine LAW.

There was a time when LAW PreDiscovery was the go-to, if not only, option in the e-discovery data processing software ecosystem. Over the last decade, a number of entrées including Nuix, Venio, Relativity, OpenText, EDT, Ipro, Disco, Everlaw and others have all developed or acquired their own proprietary processing technology. Some have created specific training and certification programs around their tools. In the years leading up to its CloudNine acquisition, the LAW certification and training program went dormant, perhaps giving other organizations an opportunity to capture market attention given the vacuum. Now, LAW PreDiscovery not only has a new name (CloudNine LAW), but LAW certification and training is back! Under the vision and leadership of new parent company CloudNine, a lot has changed even as much remains the same.