An international e-discovery roll out is often overwhelming for in-house and outside counsel, and can be riddled with roadblocks and unexpected problems. Legal teams dealing with cross-border matters need three essential ingredients—experienced people, advanced technology and targeted processes—to successfully execute a global e-discovery implementation. A playbook that enables consistent processes for matters across numerous countries is key to completing the project defensibly, on time and on budget.

One of the traps counsel may fall into is being overly focused on technology challenges. Technology is only one of three important pillars of success. Knowledgeable experts to advise on and run strategy, and consistent and repeatable processes must be locked in alongside effective technology. Technology can inform processes, but people are the lynchpin to make sure the tools are actually enabling the strategy and workflows. Equal deference must be paid to all three parts for every e-discovery effort, but especially in matters that are complicated by work across international borders.