Christine KingsWe cannot avoid the issue of climate change. Every day there’s another report about how a species is under threat, how the ice is melting faster than we thought, how the weather is changing. We know we should be reducing our energy consumption, investing in green initiatives and changing the way we live. The problem is that we cannot feel the effects now. What we do today is not going to impact in a dramatic way for another 30 years. If we could look over the cliff today and see the drop, we’d do something immediately.

In this respect, climate change is a bit like the Legal Services Act (LSA). We all know it’s coming, that it’s going to revolutionise the way legal services are delivered, and that it’s going to deregulate the market and bring in a whole load of new players. We expect the Bar to get smaller – indeed some commentators have predicted the end of the Bar – and speculate that some firms may go under. And yet very few lawyers are doing much thinking about it.