“I work in a mainstream department at a leading international firm. If all goes to plan, I will be up for partnership in two years’ time. Although I am still getting encouraging noises from the partners, I fear that I am heading into a black hole caused by the credit crunch.

“A year or so ago, a friend of mine in a different department who I regard as being at a similar level in terms of ability and commitment was given a tap on the shoulder by his department head. He was told that although he was an exceptional lawyer, it was unlikely that he would make partner. The advice was to jump ship before other firms started regarding him as damaged goods. That’s exactly what he did, and he is now a partner at decent London firm. I’m not so sure that any of the partners I work for are brave or honest enough to take me to one side and give me the same advice. Then again, perhaps I really am on partnership track? I’m pretty sure they don’t want to lose me.