More than an e-mail, not quite a website, blogs have taken their rightful place in the online universe. Simply put, a ‘blog’ is a personal journal, or log, posted by any individual on the internet. It is a weblog. Or blog for short. Anyone can blog, and millions of people do.

Like so many technologies that define our notion of confident modernity, this latest trend in cybersophistication has been around a long time. But only lately has ‘blogging’ become truly user-friendly. Where programming nerds and computer geeks once enjoyed a members-only cyber-handshake, now even the cyber-challenged luddite may venture to share news and information with a surprisingly personal touch. A growing range of blogging software providers like Blogger, Radio Userland, and Movable Type now offer well-designed templates, with most of the HTML code hidden behind easy-to-click icons – at minimal cost, if any, to the user.