Client relationship management (CRM) existed long before the term was coined. Mass consumer businesses, including those in the financial services and mobile telecommunications sector, were the first to take up CRM solutions. Professional practices, long underpinned by the strength of client relationships, are now recognising the role CRM solutions may play in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of those relationship development activities. This is becoming easier as CRM solutions are adapting to serve law firms, with the introduction of flexible solutions that can be purchased and used in a range of ways.

Traditional CRM theories propose some lofty goals, including obtaining a ‘full view of our clients’ and ‘creating a client-centric business’. However, many firms are still asking themselves “How do we gain more value from current and future CRM investments?” and “Which technology solution will provide the most value to the organisation?” To help answer some of these questions firms should look across the broad range of industries where CRM has been adopted successfully for inspiration. There are also lessons that can be learnt from other industries’ experiences.