An apology is in order. Last week we suggested that Trust, the BBC prime-time drama about a bunch of City lawyers, was loosely modelled on Denton Wilde Sapte.

That was before we saw the flyer put together a couple of years ago by the European capital markets team at Cayman Islands firm Maples & Calder (M&C). Not only do the folks at M&C do a lot of trust work, but office head Tony Travers is the mirror image of the ‘PG’, the enigmatic senior partner figure in Trust who is played by Ian McShane. Those familiar with the show will know that ‘PG’ stands for ‘the Power and the Glory’, because of the PG’s power to make or break the career of anyone at the firm. Which, presumably, explains why M&C’s marketing team made a futile attempt to persuade The Diary that Travers was “obviously” a deadringer for a younger version of Robson Green, the show’s other star. Rumours that one misguided staff member who had the temerity to compare Travers to McShane is, er, ‘no longer with the firm’ are, as yet, unconfirmed.