captionIt is not often that the subject of a caption competition sends in an entry, so Jo Bygott, of Bygott Biggs, deserves great credit for e-mailing us an entry for the above encounter between her and Stephen Turvey, of LPA Legal Recruitment during a party thrown by Legal Week to celebrate its ‘Business magazine of the year’ award.

“What Stephen Turvey was actually saying,” she tells us, “is ‘It’s really no good having a go at the other side of my neck, Mark Wyatt [of Legal Week] drained every last drop when he got me to sponsor this party.’” The winner, though, of this week’s caption competition is the above (so, how much did you say you would sell your grandmother for?) offering from Cable & Wireless corporate counsel Adrian Thurston who will, at some point in the not-too-distant future, receive a bottle of scotch.