A large, sticky piece of egg is clinging tenaciously to The Diary’s face, following our miserable attempt to shame Richards Butler into changing
the name of its new knowledge management system ouRBase (Legal Week, 27 September).
bY lIBERaLLy spRaYIng oUr ItEM wITH caPItaLs We ATTeMPted tO DeMonStraTe wHy CAPItaLs OnLy USUAlly appEaR aT tHe BegINNing oF a SEnteNCE.

But as Richards Butler shipping partner Richard Harvey has pointed out, a spelling mistake blunted our satire. “I rEFFer to yOR artiCAL on 20hT SepT,” he writes. “in WITCH Yu ReMInd uSs “gRAMMer [sic] waS inVented For a reaSoN”, to WITCH I KAn oNli ad “so was spelling”. Ouch!