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December 16, 2022 | Lean Adviser

16. The Comp Sub Series: It's Self Evaluation Time, Where Do I Start?

A familiar feature of the performance review process is the lawyers' self-evaluation form. The temptation is to get it all out, add some flourish wherever possible, and maybe indulge in some spin or even poetic license. This is a perfectly natural and common approach. It can also be a costly mistake.
2 minute read
December 09, 2022 | Lean Adviser

6. The User Guide Series: Improvement

You got through the assignment, the client seemed happy and the bill got paid. We're done here, right? Yes, we are, unless of course you'd like another job from the client. If so, you can do more.
2 minute read
December 01, 2022 | Lean Adviser

10. Forget the Fluff: Clients Want Business Advice

Clients are looking for firms that can connect the dots.
4 minute read
December 01, 2022 | Lean Adviser

5. The User Guide Series: Problem Solving

Legal work is dynamic, uncertain and event-driven. Your work can be hit at any moment from any angle. Or you can make a mistake. Evaluation isn't about how the problem arose or even whose fault it is. It's just an objective, rational analysis of the problem.
2 minute read
November 18, 2022 | Lean Adviser

4. The User Guide Series: Your Legal Assignment Is Underway, But How Is It Going?

Are we where we should be? How are we doing for resources? Are we still confident that we'll get where we need to be, on time and without drama?
3 minute read
Law Journal Press | Digital Book Pennsylvania Causes of Action, 12th Edition Authors: GAETAN J. ALFANO, RONALD J. SHAFFER, JOSHUA C. COHAN View this Book

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November 11, 2022 | Lean Adviser

3. The User Guide Series: How To Execute Your Plan

The execution stage is where you put your plan into action. Being "lean" is about doing your daily tasks more efficiently, effectively and transparently as you execute your plan.
2 minute read
November 04, 2022 | Lean Adviser

2. The User Guide Series: "How To Plan"

Planning has separate components, with a focus on agreeing to an acceptable range of outcomes with the client.
2 minute read
October 28, 2022 | Lean Adviser

1. The User Guide Series: My Law Firm Gave Me Access To This Thing, Now What?

How do you use Lean Adviser? Pick it up, examine it and everything will make total sense and follow naturally. Take any assignment, whatever you're working on right now, and take a moment to think about it as a project.
2 minute read
October 21, 2022 | Lean Adviser

25. Post Pandemic Leadership Challenges: What Should Law Firms Be Asking Their Clients?

Why are malpractice claims increasing in frequency and severity, why are clients unhappy and why are lawyers leaving the profession in droves? To understand this, we need to consider what law firms are not asking of their attorneys.
3 minute read
October 14, 2022 | Lean Adviser

24. Post Pandemic Leadership Challenges: Project-Led WFH

Don't just look down and in, remember to look up and out. The law is a service industry, so don't just look within the firm, look at what's in the clients' interests. Viewed through this prism, the question of hybrid work from home suddenly becomes a lot clearer.
3 minute read