CORRECTION: Kim & Chang should have been ranked 49th in our ranking of firms by most revenue, with revenue of $815 million, lawyer head count of 860 and revenue per lawyer of $950,000. The firm should have been ranked 64th in our Global 100 Most Lawyers ranking.

Overall lawyer head count for global 100 firms was 122,157 in 2016, up 2.7 percent from 2015. Forty-seven of the 100 largest firms by head count have more than 1,000 lawyers. Fifty-eight firms have the largest proportion of their lawyers in the United States, 17 have the largest proportion of their lawyers in the United Kingdom and 12 have most of their lawyers in China. The number of lawyers listed here is the average full-time-equivalent for the 2016 fiscal year. (For U.K.-based firms, the number of lawyers is the average full-time-equivalent for the fiscal year ending April 30).