It is 7 a.m. You grab a cup of coffee and head out the door to catch the train to your job as in-house counsel. As you take your seat on the train, you pull out your BlackBerry to review your calendar. Meanwhile, in a nondescript parking lot, a group of FBI agents are readying for their day’s work as well … the execution of a search warrant at your company.

The lead agent phones the U.S. attorney’s office to go over the details of the warrant one last time, while subordinate agents busily check their weapons and don their trademark blue and yellow warrant jackets. As you are stepping off the train, the agents are stepping out of their black SUVs. When you get to the office, you realize that this will be no ordinary day. The FBI is here, and agents are swarming like locusts throughout the building. Agents are rifling through filing cabinets, firing off a barrage of questions to your employees and hauling what seems like a continuous stream of boxes out the door, while people on the street are taking videos and pictures on their phones and publishing them on Facebook.