International Edition

Digital Dictation: Model behaviour

Any survey of information systems at law firms would reveal they have invested heavily in a range of such systems that cover most areas of the business and practice. It is also equally likely to reveal diverse ways in which such information is held and managed in at least some, but probably most, of the key systems. It is only to be expected that new or replacement systems initiatives would be undertaken at different times because firms cannot renew all their systems at the same time.
7 minute read

International Edition

Don't believe the hype

Not surprisingly, when it comes to the vastness of the internet, the media likes to focus on the new: new technologies, new phenomena, new dangers, new ways to fritter away time, new knee-jerk reactions by large businesses. Newness is also great for consultants and people involved in business development: new initiatives to be launched, new budgets to be created and new corporate policies to be devised.
6 minute read

International Edition

Firm agreement

Clive Greenwood looks at whether restrictive covenants will survive when a law firm's partners vote to become a limited liability partnership
7 minute read

International Edition

A client's perspective

I am a prospective client of your firm and I thought I would get in touch. We are looking for a long-term business partner and yours looks like the type of firm we could get close to.
8 minute read

International Edition

Source of confusion

So many news articles and IT analysts' reports have been written about open source software (OSS) and its rising popularity that the resulting mound of paper could probably wallpaper an area twice the size of Wales. However, with their characteristic, dogged resistance to change, commercial lawyers have continued to view the subject as the preserve of only the geekiest lawyers working in the technology, media and telecoms (TMT) department.
7 minute read

International Edition

Information overload

Information overload is a problem for all of us: too many emails, too much data, too many magazine articles to read. Sorting the wheat from the chaff is a major challenge. And if lawyers are to focus on the right information, a lot of the sorting has to be done for them. How can firms approach this challenge?
8 minute read

International Edition

Creative coaching

There are good clients and better clients. This is a situation most law firms will recognise - the better ones are profitable. Yet how do you work out which clients are valuable to the firm? And how true is the accepted premise that you should nurture small clients because they grow into substantial fee generators and pay back the initial investment you make in them?
7 minute read

International Edition

Merger mechanics

Over the past five years there have been significant developments within the legal services sector in the major global offshore jurisdictions, in particular the creation of multi-jurisdictional offshore law firms representing a dramatic change from the traditional offshore law firm model.
7 minute read

International Edition

Professional Development: The learning zone

A recent Legal Week roundtable, in association with LexisNexis, addressed the crucial issue of professional development and how law firms with modern, effective training structures can steal a march on their rivals in the war for talent. Scott Appleton reports
9 minute read

International Edition

Financial Management: Building the future

In helping many law firms win and retain business during the past 10 years, practice areas such as litigation have told us they are finding it increasingly difficult to predict where their next instructions are coming from. Changes such as the Woolf reforms are affecting the size of their market and the potential it offers. Some lawyers even contend that the nature of their work means they can only react to their market. We disagree.
7 minute read


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