International Edition

The new breed

The organisation and manipulation of electronic documents presents a mounting challenge to law firms and litigation support departments of all types and sizes. Recent major advances in software architecture and technology, along with the increasingly litigious corporate environment and the rising importance of e-disclosure, are factors that are pushing the legal profession towards new technology which maximises workflow efficiency and results.
3 minute read

International Edition

Education for the next generation

The most precious resource of any lawyer is time. It is rationed, monitored and charged for with vigilance.
6 minute read

International Edition

Dead serious

The Corporate Manslaughter Act could herald a new era for corporate accountability
5 minute read

International Edition

Against the odds

One of the most dreaded situations a lawyer can face is when a longstanding client asks you to re-tender. If you have a good relationship with the client and are regularly seeking feedback on your performance through independent client service reviews, such re-tendering situations rarely come out of the blue to catch you by surprise.
5 minute read

International Edition

Make rain while the sun shines

'I trained to be a lawyer - not a salesperson'; 'selling is like stalking'; 'we have a marketing department - isn't it their job?'. Such are the typical refrains when lawyers are told they have to develop their business.
6 minute read

International Edition

It pays to prepare

On 15 December, 2007, independent legal professionals, as defined, will need to comply with the Money Laundering Regulations 2007. The Law Society recently issued a practice note outlining good practice and providing direction on new measures coming into force.
6 minute read

International Edition

The great divide

Two years ago Nigel Knowles, Ed Smith and Richard Chaplin published an article in Legal Week under the auspices of the Managing Partners' Forum (MPF). The article, 'The Unsung Heroes', was intended to be a clarion call to law firms to better appreciate the importance of client service professionals (CSPs) for the success of the business.
5 minute read

International Edition

Close call

In June this year, Sheffield was hit by severe flooding, following some of the wettest weather on record in the UK. On Monday (25 June), Irwin Mitchell's Sheffield offices, located across two buildings in the centre of the city, were badly hit by the flooding. The ground floors of both buildings were engulfed with water.
6 minute read

International Edition

Digital Dictation: Dictating the future

Legal Week's analysis of digital dictation systems (DDS) a year ago revealed a market that was still to be fully convinced that this technology is an absolute 'must have' for law firms. Indeed, the research showed that almost 40% of the top 100 firms had not embraced DDS in any form. Crucially, that statistic included all five of the magic circle firms - a statistic that no longer stands after Linklaters introduced digital dictation firm-wide.
23 minute read

International Edition

Digital Dictation: Model behaviour

Any survey of information systems at law firms would reveal they have invested heavily in a range of such systems that cover most areas of the business and practice. It is also equally likely to reveal diverse ways in which such information is held and managed in at least some, but probably most, of the key systems. It is only to be expected that new or replacement systems initiatives would be undertaken at different times because firms cannot renew all their systems at the same time.
7 minute read


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