Has anything positive come out of COVID? If law firms listen and get this right, perhaps one thing – the unlocking of the power, authenticity and innovation of the individuals that make up ‘the successful team’; the power that is harnessed in a ‘psychologically safe’ workplace.

Looking back, organisations have spent years trying to shape their ‘cultures’, the tangible intangible, encouraging their people to ‘belong’. Those cultures, however subconsciously, were mainly fostered out of the physical office. Now, when exposed to enforced virtual working, it is all too easy to dilute those embedded cultures we came to know so well, where we were able to rely on the physical and pheromonal cues that underlined the culture when face to face. This virtual dilution risk is further magnified by the fear that individuals can feel during these times, for their health, their jobs and for those of their loved ones. Ultimately, individuals could ‘unstick’ from their workplace.

Daisy Reeves, BCLP