For most of its existence, the merger task force (MTF) has enjoyed a reputation as a highly effective guardian of competitive market structures. In terms of sheer volume, the output of this relatively small unit has been impressive – the team has never shied away from tackling industry giants head on. However, recent defeats in a number of high profile court cases have dealt its image a very public blow. The Court of First Instance (CFI) told the Directorate-General of Competition (DG Comp), in no uncertain terms, to get its act together and support its decisions with much more thorough fact finding and analysis.

Changes have been contemplated for some time and now Competition Commissioner Mario Monti and his Director General Philip Lowe have acted. The MTF will be abolished in all but name – only a small number of officials will ultimately remain to ensure effective coordination of merger control across the DG Comp. Most of its officers will be transferred into merger units of the DG Comp’s sector specific directorates. The European Commission (EC) claims that this will combine sectoral expertise with the rigour fostered by merger control work, under strict deadlines to improve the overall effectiveness of the DG Comp.