Looking back on the year of #MeToo and forward to the road ahead, corporate boards need to think about and implement constructive change. Over the last year, high profile scandals consumed headlines, dragged down senior leaders and share values, and challenged preconceptions of corporate culture. It was a year of reckoning for some, a year of heightened awareness for others, and a learning experience for us all.

Like it or not, the scandals of 2018 proved that #MeToo has implications beyond sexual harassment. Scandals from Uber to CBS to Google highlight that organizational culture is a company asset to be protected and nurtured. They confirmed that toxic work environments and inadequate corporate governance can lead to costly financial, legal and reputational risks that threaten sustainability.  #MeToo scandals cast a broad spotlight on the positive or negative impact an organization’s culture can have on its reputation, value and long-term sustainability. And they proved, in today’s era of technology, social media, and employee and consumer activism, the enormous toll workplace misconduct and abuse of power can take on an organization.