In your March 28th article, “Law Students and Alums Seek to ‘Save Savannah’ from Closing,” you quoted Constance Cooper, a Savannah Law School alum, to cast aspersions on the faculty of Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School: “Cooper said the quality of [Savannah’s] faculty also sets it apart … ‘When you look at the quality of the education we have, and you compare it to Atlanta’s John Marshall, it’s laughable … We are as similar to Atlanta’s John Marshall as Cinderella is to an ugly stepsister.’”

This tenuous attempt of reasoning by analogy can be discounted as an isolated outburst, born of ignorance and pique. What cannot as easily be dismissed, however, is the willingness of the Daily Report to use its substantial platform to publicize far and wide such a casual slander against an entire faculty from a person who went to a different school over 250 miles away. As a faculty member of John Marshall for over 10 years, the respect for my colleagues compels me to respond.