On Nov. 30, 1983, Marsalee Ann Nicholas, also known as Marsy, was murdered by her ex-boyfriend. One week later, on the way home from Marsy’s funeral, Marsy’s mother stopped at a market to pick up bread. While at the checkout line, she was confronted by her daughter’s killer. Marsy’s family had not been notified that Marsy’s killer had been released on bail only days after the murder. This is what began the Marsy’s Law initiative.

The Marsy’s Law movement was sponsored by Marsy’s brother, Dr. Henry T. Nicholas III, in California. Proposition 9, the California Victim Bill of Rights Act of 2008, was passed in November 2008 by California voters. Since then identical versions of the law has been passed in Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, South Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma and Florida.