It began with a simple letter: “The City of Danbury hereby orders you to CEASE AND DESIST publication of and/or comment on the deposition transcripts from the matter of DaCosta v. Danbury on and/or any other internet and/or social media site, including Twitter and Facebook that are currently in your possession, custody, and control…The reason for this cease and desist is to protect a variety of privacy rights were [sic] implicated the minute the full text of the transcripts were released. Compliance will be deemed complete when the transcripts have been removed from you [sic] blog… and the transcripts have been returned to the undersigned at Rose Kallor… Please provide proof compliance [sic] to the undersigned within three (3) days of your receipt of this cease and desist letter. As you are award [sic] from reading the Danbury News Times, the City of Danbury did receive a request made pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (‘FOIA’) for these transcripts…”

And with this letter, the law firm of Rose Kallor became a temporary laughingstock of reporters and legal bloggers throughout the Twitterverse.