I must confess, I’m a bit of a website history nerd. Nothing thrills me more during personal or professional downtime than to peruse the excellent web archives site, Internet Archive Wayback Machine. So when news of the potential dissolution of Howrey hit, I began to take a closer look at the soon-to-be-defunct law firm’s current website for clues on the impending end (March 15, 2011).

What I found shouldn’t really be a surprise, considering the rapid loss of partners at the Washington, D.C.-based firm. The homepage offers no sign of the end. It still poses the question: “Why Howrey?” and offers up the advantage of focus, as well as its stellar reputation for its litigation and advocacy work. The site’s other sections remain stuck in time: the News Center was last updated in the beginning of February. In other words, there is little if anything to suggest that Howrey’s demise was approaching, aside from the lack of updates (unless you were reading ALM’s extensive coverage).