As 2020 edges toward a close, we can look forward to a 2021 defined by three Rs—recovery, rebuilding, and restoring. With that in mind, selecting just 10 business and human rights issues we predict will be salient through 2021, given the unpredictability of this past year and the number of issues we will confront next year, is a risky proposition. But in honor of Human Rights Day last week, below are 10 business and human rights issues we believe will receive particular attention between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.


We have little doubt that the business and human rights agenda of 2021 will continue to be dominated by COVID-19. The pandemic has caused death and suffering on a massive scale. It has led to human health risks in the workplace, abuses within supply chains, mistreatment of workers, discriminatory treatment, and renewed discussions of sick leave as a human right. It has fostered violence from tensions associated with rapid increase of unemployment and a lack of medical care, affecting in particular minorities and vulnerable populations. It has created human health risks for first responders, medical professionals, and countless others. It has led to stories about corruption, fraud, and the emergence of black markets for PPE, serving as a poster child for how the anti-corruption and human rights agendas go hand in hand.