The Legal Intelligencer

Statute of Limitations for Survival Actions in Medical Negligence Case After 'Dubose'

In an opinion by Justice Sallie Mundy, the Supreme Court held in Dubose v. Quinlan that the statute of limitations in a medical professional liability case for both a wrongful death and a survival action is two years from the date of the decedent's death.
16 minute read

Daily Business Review

ADA Website Accessibility Lawsuits Increase Amidst Lack of DOJ Compliance Guidelines

Website accessibility lawsuits continue to increase nationwide and here in Florida. Nearly every business sector has faced such lawsuits. Florida ranks first in the number of website accessibility suits filed in federal court this year.
5 minute read

The American Lawyer

Let's Talk About Kozinski's Victim: Heidi Bond

While many of us can practically recite what the victims of sexual harassment say they endured from Harvey Weinstein, Louis C.K. and Matt Lauer, do we look beyond those moments and consider how it altered the trajectory of these women's lives?
8 minute read

Daily Business Review

6 Do's And Don'ts for Your Company's Holiday Party

The leftover turkey is gone, the stampedes at Wal-Mart are over, and 2017 is winding to a close. That can only mean one thing — it's time for your…
4 minute read

Daily Business Review

Puerto Rico Offers Investment Opportunities for the Prepared and Selective

One of the oldest clichés in motivational speeches, and management in general, is that the Chinese character for “crisis” is composed of two subsidiary characters, one of which symbolizes “opportunity” and the other “danger.”
21 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Dos and Don'ts: Politics in the Office (and Around the Holiday Table)

Whether it is because of 24-hour cable news networks, social media or the “reality show” of the recent presidential election, and events since the election, politics is taking over.
6 minute read

Daily Business Review

To Hug or Not to Hug in the Office This Holiday Season

Imagine you are a manager in attendance at a company-sponsored holiday party and in the spirit of the holiday season you hug a number of co-workers of the opposite or same sex. You have worked with some of them for a long time and others are very new employees.
4 minute read

Corporate Counsel

In Between In-House Jobs? Two Dos and One Don't While You're on the Hunt

So, your company has gone bankrupt, been acquired, or relocated its headquarters to the moon. These are generally considered the “good” reasons for being in-between positions while searching for a new in-house position.
3 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

2017 Year in Review: Significant Federal Employment Law Developments

Not surprisingly, employment law developments at the federal level in 2017 reflect policy changes that often come with new administrations. These changes largely can be characterized by what has been undone, halted or muddled in some way.
7 minute read

The Recorder

The Careerist: Can We Get Rid of Alex Kozinski?

So far, the judge for the Ninth Circuit has shown no inclination of leaving in response to allegations brought by six women.
6 minute read


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