The Recorder

Bedsworth: Fight On

Most of the time when a state Legislature hears a judge, it's because we've interpreted a statute in a way they don't like or we've thrown it out entirely.
9 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

A Tale From the War Room: How One Law Firm Started 2018 Right

I thought I would begin 2018 by telling you about a very industrious and special law firm that will remain—anonymous—who has begun the year in an outstanding way from a marketing perspective. I have the great privilege of working with some of the best lawyers in the state and this firm is at the top of my list—now more than ever.
5 minute read

Daily Report Online

The Patriot: Remembering US District Judge William C. O'Kelley

Judge O'Kelley displayed artistic interpretations of the Constitutional Convention in his Atlanta chambers, and he regularly quizzed his law clerks on the names of the Georgia patriots who signed the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.
8 minute read

Daily Business Review

Magdalena v. Toyota — A Missed Opportunity to Deter Purely Foreign Litigation in Florida?

The Third District Court of Appeal addresses an issue of importance to many Florida litigators with international aspects to their practice: Litigants' entitlement to costs after a case is dismissed for forum non conveniens.
5 minute read

New York Law Journal

Fifth District Rises to Chief Judge's "Excellence Initiative" Challenge

Justice James Tormey, Administrative Judge for the Fifth District, highlights the significant strides the district has made in resolving cases more effectively and efficiently under Judge Janet DiFiore's "Excellence Initiative" mandate.
4 minute read

National Law Journal

Same-Sex Wedding Cakes: Why Hybrid Rights Paradigm Is Best Way Out of Thicket

Why a free exercise of religion decision is a preferable way to balance the competing interests in this case.
6 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

Tackle Fee-Sharing Gray Areas Now, Before the Next Test Case

The time has come to abandon a one-size-fits-all approach.
6 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

Honoring Professor Geoffrey Hazard

We have all taken courses on professional responsibility in law school and now must take an ethics component of mandatory continuing legal education. And we do because Professor Hazard pressed to have the subject as part of the core curriculum.
2 minute read

Litigation Daily

Daily Dicta: Shutdown Woes; Kirkland Wins One for Facebook (But Pity the Plaintiffs' Counsel)

What the shutdown could mean for litigators; a brutal opinion by Judge Garaufis in Facebook case.
9 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Discharge Upgrades Being Offered to Previously Denied Veterans

When young men and women enlist in the military, more often than not they aspire to successfully complete one or more enlistments while developing the skills and knowledge for a strong foundation and a successful future in either the military or another career.
7 minute read


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