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Texas (TX) Ethics CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For Texas (TX) Ethics

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60 minutes
Lessons of Professionalism and Civility from Celebrities I’ve Met
Stuart Teicher (the CLE Performer) travels all across the country giving CLE programs, and he runs into a ton of celebrities on the road. In this program, Stuart will be showing photos of all the selfies he took with celebrities, and connecting those encounters to lessons of professionalism and civility in the practice of law.

Stuart Teicher


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90 minutes
Negotiation Ethics for Lawyers - Introduction
This program uses a hypothetical negotiation between lawyers representing a writer seeking to sell a script and a film studio seeking to buy it to illustrate how the ethics rules apply when lawyers act as negotiators. Participants will walk away with concrete, practical advice, including: What you can and cannot misrepresent or conceal in a negotiation and why; wow to handle tricky issues such as estimates of price or value, willingness to compromise, bottom lines and settlement authority; what statements of law or fact may be considered “material” in negotiations; and when puffing, posturing and exaggerating cross the line.

New Media Legal


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64 minutes
Exploring the Ethical Dimensions of AI Integration in Legal Departments
This session will explore the ethical implications of using AI in legal decision-making, including issues related to bias, privacy, and transparency. Our expert panelists will share best practices to use AI tools ethically and responsibly, and will provide valuable insight on how legal departments are navigating the risks.

General Counsel Conference


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71 minutes
Ethics & Pro Bono Lawyering: Inside the Immigration System
This program includes a discussion of the ethics involved in disqualification motions and the standards by which motions can and should be brought, and should not be brought, along with the governing patchwork regimes of ethics standards to regulate attorney conduct that apply.

New Media Legal


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60 minutes
Cat Proverbs and Attorney Ethics
Why do we have so many cat sayings? What do they mean? And do they really teach anything about attorney ethics? In this program, Stuart will explain it all. We’ll talk about the origins of these cat sayings and the ethics lessons beneath each.

Stuart Teicher


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60 minutes
Airplane Etiquette and Attorney Ethics
In this program we’re going to talk about Stuart’s Rules for Proper Airplane Etiquette. And what are rules of etiquette? They are rules of behavior. Well, look at that…it just so happens that the ethics rules are also rules of behavior. So let’s talk about how we should behave on a plane, and compare that to how we should behave in the practice.

Stuart Teicher


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61 minutes
Championing External Counsel Panels: Managing Cyber Risks & Leveraging AI
This session addresses the challenges and strategies related to building and managing legal panels, with a focus on addressing pain points, ensuring diversity and competence, managing cybersecurity risks, and promoting continuous panel management. The discussion will also cover important topics like cultural alignment, performance incentives, and ongoing monitoring of cybersecurity relationships.



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115 minutes
Child Abuse and Neglect: Ethical and Responsible Reporting Guidelines
In a CLE seminar, experienced professionals in child protection, Deborah A. Ausburn and Tom Rawlings of Taylor English Duma LLP, will provide the audience with an overview of the latest developments and issues in reporting suspected child abuse and neglect in the U.S. Speakers will also discuss practical and ethical guidelines on proper reporting protocols and offer best practices to ensure compliance with relevant laws.

The Knowledge Group


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62 minutes
It's Not a Tech Problem: Understanding Lawyer Competence in the Age of Technology
This session is a must-attend for all legal professionals seeking to bolster their technical competence and understand the role of technology in their professional responsibilities. It will provide a comprehensive understanding of the intersection of law, ethics, and technology in the modern legal landscape. It’s designed to help legal professionals navigate their ever-changing professional and ethical obligations in the digital world.



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