September 05, 2024 | The Recorder
Bedsworth: The Importance of Spotting Red Flags"A good portion of our lives is spent learning to identify red flags. And the better we are at it, the better chance we have of surviving to see the next one. Simple as that. But we seem to be losing our respect for red flags," says Justice William W. Bedsworth.
By William W. Bedsworth
7 minute read
March 08, 2024 | The Recorder
Bedsworth: Trying to Retire, Again"I'll be 77 in November, and while that is not exactly 'a good round number,' it seems like a reasonable finish line for a legal career," said Justice William W. Bedsworth, in his latest column announcing his retirement.
By William W. Bedsworth
9 minute read
November 14, 2023 | The Recorder
Bedsworth: Just a Word"I write today to convey the gospel of breast cancer, the good news all those pink ribbons represent. Cancer is not the word it used to be," says Justice William Bedsworth.
By William W. Bedsworth
8 minute read
August 22, 2023 | The Recorder
Bedsworth: Secretarius"Now get up, walk out of your office, go to your assistant's desk, put on a smile, and say thank you," says Justice William Bedsworth.
By William W. Bedsworth
9 minute read
May 25, 2023 | The Recorder
Bedsworth: Finding Authoritative Authorities"It's fine to cite the great philosophers—like Justice Gilbert and I do—but you have to be a lot more careful with your case citations. Older case citations are always greeted with suspicion," says Justice William Bedsworth.
By William W. Bedsworth
7 minute read
September 20, 2022 | The Recorder
Bedsworth: The Adventure of the Purloined Lamps"Streetlamps are disappearing in Los Angeles, and while you might think the metropolis would be fertile ground for locating another cocaine-swilling misanthrope, the local authorities seem baffled. And apparently Benedict Cumberbatch is unavailable," says Justice William Bedsworth.
By William W. Bedsworth
8 minute read
August 18, 2022 | The Recorder
Bedsworth: Guten Morgan"I tell you all this so you can appreciate how much I identify with the German court that ruled workers' compensation applied to a man who hurt himself getting out of bed. Now that we're all doing so much of our work remotely, I may just move to Germany. They understand people like me there."
By William W. Bedsworth
8 minute read
June 29, 2022 | The Recorder
Bedsworth: A Fistful of Mush"If you've ever been subjected to the personal and quirky collection of abbreviated hieroglyphs that make up my longhand, you know that had it not been for the invention of word processing, I would have been murdered by a typist before I reached fifty," says Justice William Bedsworth.
By William W. Bedsworth
8 minute read
June 14, 2022 | The Recorder
Bedsworth: Euphemism, The Neglected ToolJudicial profiles are the most educational articles in the local legal paper, "not because of the 30 column inch piece about the judge—which invariably contains several useful nuggets of information and is itself an extremely valuable resource—but because of what they teach about the use of euphemism," says Justice William Bedsworth.
By William W. Bedsworth
10 minute read
February 07, 2022 | The Recorder
Bedsworth: Baseball, Camels, and T. S. EliotJustice William Bedsworth got the best advice he ever received about being a judge from a former minor league umpire.
By William W. Bedsworth
8 minute read
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