September 13, 2022 | Legaltech News
Modern Attachments: Pointers Are Not the Problem When It Comes to PreservationThe problem with preservation pertains to referenced content and whether organizations need to retain "as sent" versions of content referenced in messages with pointers.
By Staci Kaliner, Monica McCarroll and Ben Barnes, Redgrave LLP
7 minute read
August 11, 2022 | Legaltech News
Let's Start by Calling Them What They Are for Discovery: 'Pointers' Not 'Modern Attachments'One topic has recently been dominating e-discovery conversations: the discovery challenges posed by "modern attachments" within the Microsoft 365 (M365) environment. This first article of a series examines what "modern attachments" are and why they are keeping e-discovery practitioners up at night.
By Staci Kaliner, Monica McCarroll and Ben Barnes, Redgrave LLP
7 minute read