April 18, 2011 | The Recorder
Recorder Wins Honors in State and National CompetitionsBy Recorder staff
2 minute read
January 09, 2003 | Law.com
Profit Margins Climb Even as Law Firm Grosses TumbleGrosses for the Bay Area's top legal players sank faster than the last Madonna movie, but box office was boffo in 2002 when it came to firm profit margins. Take-home pay actually climbed as a percentage of gross revenue at eight of the 10 highest-grossing firms in the region, according to The Recorder's annual survey of firm finances.
By Recorder Staff
3 minute read
September 09, 2003 | Law.com
In CameraJudges Association surprised by new dues rule; It's a hat trick for deputy AG; Harbin-Forte leaving juvenile court; Court decides to keep off the grass; Oakland jail to reopen; DA's new case management system.
By Recorder Staff
8 minute read
March 04, 2003 | Law.com
Attorneys Gird for PD Indictment BattleAttorney General Bill Lockyer stood by the side of San Francisco District Attorney Terence Hallinan on Monday to say his office will not -- at least at this point -- take the prosecution of 10 San Francisco police officers out of the DA's hands. The police officers face felony charges over the alleged mishandling of an investigation that followed a street fight.
By Recorder Staff
9 minute read
July 02, 2002 | The Recorder
Recorder Wins Public Service Award, 5 OthersBy Recorder Staff
2 minute read
February 20, 2007 | Law.com
Cal Law 25: Top Firms in the Golden StateThe totals are in � we inaugurate the Cal Law 25 by ranking the biggest firms in the state, from Latham to Fenwick.
By Recorder staff
28 minute read
January 06, 2003 | Law.com
Red ScareWeakened by an anemic tech sector and fighting each other for precious litigation work, the Bay Area's biggest law firms scored sallow returns in 2002 with only a few managing to post significant growth in profits or revenue, The Recorder's annual survey of firm finances shows.
By Recorder Staff
22 minute read