Michael A. Mora

Michael A. Mora

Michael was born and raised in South Florida. He went to undergrad at Florida Atlantic University and earned his master's degree from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. He is the crypto litigation reporter for, as well as an editor for ALM Global. You can email him at [email protected].

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March 27, 2020 | Daily Business Review

West Nile Virus Almost Killed Him. How Jason Vanslette Proved His Doctors Wrong

West Nile virus brought Jason Vanslette to the brink of death at the age of 17. Yet somehow, he survived.

By Michael A. Mora

7 minute read

March 26, 2020 | Daily Business Review

Business Lawyers Look to Amended Bankruptcy Provision in $2 Trillion Stimulus Package

The CARES Act has a provision that will enable more small businesses to streamline the bankruptcy process and reorganize their affairs.

By Michael A. Mora

4 minute read

March 26, 2020 | Daily Business Review

Federal Bankruptcy Court Grants Class Certification in 1 Global Capital $340 Million Fraud

Sarah Foster has been certified as the class representative for the investors and the Moskowitz Law Firm has been certified as class counsel in the adversary proceeding pending before Judge Robert A. Mark in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Florida.

By Michael A. Mora

4 minute read

March 24, 2020 | Daily Business Review

Broward Circuit Judge Grants Motion to Dismiss Case Brought by Software Consulting Firm

While Judge Robert Lee primarily ruled in the defendant's favor, Brant Hadaway observed the 130 other lawsuits brought by Chetu filed in Broward County may not serve as a roadmap for dismissal based upon this circuit court ruling.

By Michael A. Mora

3 minute read

March 23, 2020 | Daily Business Review

Lawyers Navigating 'Gray Line' Between 'Essential' and 'Nonessential' Health Care Workers

While there are essential and nonessential health care practitioners, the governor's executive order must be evaluated to determine how it applies to a hybrid employee, according to Jack Lord, Jr., a partner and litigation lawyer with Foley & Lardner.

By Michael A. Mora

4 minute read

March 20, 2020 | Daily Business Review

Federal Magistrate Judge Recommends Certifying Nationwide Prevagen Class Action in Florida

Adam Moskowitz, among the lawyers representing the plaintiffs, alleges Prevagen is "worthless."

By Michael A. Mora

3 minute read

March 20, 2020 | Daily Business Review

How South Florida Law Firms Are Getting Bigger Returns With Less Risk

The practice of litigation funding is big business. Litigation spending in the U.S. aggregated $21.09 billion in 2019 and is is projected to rise to $22.32 billion in 2020.

By Michael A. Mora

4 minute read

March 19, 2020 | Daily Business Review

High Court Relies on Precedent in Which Justice Labarga Had 'Strenuously Dissented'

Florida Supreme Court Justice Jorge Labarga concurred "only in result," because the majority relied on a precedent in which he had "strenuously dissented."

By Michael A. Mora

3 minute read

March 18, 2020 | Daily Business Review

SEC Sues 2 South Florida Men for Insider Trading in Netting $575K on Online Pet Pharmacy Investment

"You can't do that if you're working for a public company. If you have information."

By Michael A. Mora

4 minute read

March 17, 2020 | Daily Business Review

'No Commute. No Traffic': Pluses, Minuses as Lawyers Log on Remotely

Stuck at home, lawyers are adjusting to the new normal of having to work remotely, as courts and firms close their doors to help slow the spreading of the coronavirus.

By Michael A. Mora

4 minute read