September 30, 2014 | The American Lawyer
Changes to Law School Standards Eliminate WasteThe ABA approved a number of changes to law school accreditation standards, many of which reduce ways law schools waste students' money and time.
By Matt Leichter
7 minute read
August 05, 2014 | The American Lawyer
NALP's Fuzzy Definition of 'JD Advantage'The National Association for Law Placement is touting the record percentage of law school graduates in "JD advantage" jobs, but much of the work involved doesn't require legal education.
By Matt Leichter
8 minute read
May 21, 2014 | The American Lawyer
Scalia on Law School Sustainability: Concur and DissentWhat U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia gets right (and wrong) about proposals to shorten the length of a law school education to two years.
By Matt Leichter
8 minute read
April 29, 2014 | The American Lawyer
NYT Op-Ed Authors Ignore Bloat in Legal EducationAcademics who criticize reforms that they say "skimp" on legal education should show how all the added legal educators have boosted lawyers' productivity.
By Matt Leichter
8 minute read
March 18, 2014 | The American Lawyer
'After the J.D.' Study Offers Weak Evidence of J.D.'s ValueIt's no shock that the most recent batch of data culled from a study of lawyers who passed the bar in 2000 shows that nearly one in four weren't practicing law in 2012. What is surprising is that the researchers behind the study believe this cohort was faring better before the recession than their own findings suggest.
By Matt Leichter
19 minute read
February 19, 2014 | The American Lawyer
ABA Task Force Report: Part Good, Part BafflingLast month, the task force created by the American Bar Association to study the legal education system produced its final report and recommendations. While some of the panel's conclusions deserve praise, others are as confused as those put forward by similar bar groups in various states.
By Matt Leichter
11 minute read
December 26, 2013 | The American Lawyer
No, It's Still Not a Good Time to Apply to Law SchoolVarious factors, chiefly the apparent collapse in interest in law school, have prompted some to argue that it's still worthwhile to apply. In truth, the evidence for being bearish about legal education still outweighs any lingering reasons for optimism.
By Matt Leichter
9 minute read
November 27, 2013 | The American Lawyer
'White Flight' Hits Nation's Law SchoolsWith interest in legal education waning, the stats show that white men and women are choosing not to attend law school more than members of other ethnic groups. But don't bet on the profession becoming more diverse in the future.
By Matt Leichter
8 minute read
October 29, 2013 |
Accreditation Reform Unlikely to Change Legal EducationThe American Bar Association body responsible for regulating law schools recently proposed some notable changes to the accreditation rules. But even if the proposals—including a controversial one that would eliminate faculty tenure requirements —are adopted, law school curricula is unlikely to improve and tuition costs are unlikely to drop.
By Matt Leichter
8 minute read
November 23, 2011 |
Aggregate Law School Graduate Debt Grew $475 Million Between 2008 and 2010By Matt Leichter
1 minute read