Joseph W. Bellacosa

Joseph W. Bellacosa

March 01, 2024 | New York Law Journal

A Winning Trifecta for New York: The 1977 Court Reforms

The current appointive system for Court of Appeals judges discarded the statewide elective method, a Law Journal columnist recounts. Centralized administration with statewide fiscal resources shifted executive leadership responsibility to the chief judge and chief administrative judge.

By Joseph W. Bellacosa

5 minute read

February 07, 2024 | New York Law Journal

The Rockefeller Drug Laws: Failures at All Three Branches

Since secular governance and its justice system are imperfect human institutions at all three branches, each must be ever mindful to keep striving for the ideal of fair, equal and proportionate justice, a Law Journal columnist writes.

By Joseph W. Bellacosa

5 minute read

January 26, 2024 | New York Law Journal

A Clash of Titans: Manhattan DA Morgenthau v. Chief Judge Cooke

A Law Journal columnist recounts legendary Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau's one-time clash with a New York chief judge.

By Joseph W. Bellacosa

4 minute read

January 12, 2024 | New York Law Journal

'Hoffmann' Replaces 'Harkenrider' in a Year: Court Grants Redistricting Commission and Legislature a Mulligan

Politicians on the losing side of litigation over reconfiguring New York's congressional districts may not be the only losers in this bruising battle, no matter the results of the short-term map-making do-over, a Law Journal columnist writes.

By Joseph W. Bellacosa

4 minute read

November 16, 2023 | New York Law Journal

Front-Loading Vouched-In Judges: More Confidence in the Deliberative Process Would Be Better

The better policy of wait-and-see, with diligent continuing deliberations among the permanent members, is a virtue well worth practicing because it affords the opportunity to pursue common-ground solutions inter sese for the decisions where recusals or absences occur, and the few where a vouch-in is unavoidably needed.

By Joseph W. Bellacosa

5 minute read

November 01, 2023 | New York Law Journal

'Blood Would Flow From the Streets': How a Court of Appeals Ruling Steered New York City Away From Fiscal Disaster in the 1970s

Early in Law Journal columnist Joseph Bellacosa's tenure at the New York Court of Appeals, a destabilizing financial meltdown was brewing back in the Big Apple. Hugh Carey was sworn in as governor was sworn in that year and he took leadership to get the state legislature to pass emergency temporary relief—a moratorium on the payment of New York City's short-term obligations of approximately $5 billion.

By Joseph W. Bellacosa

4 minute read

September 27, 2023 | New York Law Journal

New York State Court of Appeals: The Arc of History Bends True North

Retired Court of Appeals Judge Joseph Bellacosa looks back at the notable accomplishments of the past chief judges of the Court of Appeals, which, as he writes, was "inspired solely by the Court's recent leadership change with a fresh en banc composition."

By Joseph W. Bellacosa

8 minute read

August 09, 2023 | New York Law Journal

City Bar Group Should Rethink Opinion on Retired Court of Appeals Judge as Monitor on Bias Reforms, Former Colleague Says

A former high court judge comes to the defense of Carmen Beauchamp Ciparick, who serves as the New York court system's independent monitor for its efforts to combat racial bias in the courts.

By Joseph W. Bellacosa

1 minute read

June 05, 2023 | New York Law Journal

Artificial Intelligence: 'It Ain't Necessarily So' 

Since human intelligence is finite in this world by its nature, and retired Judge Joseph W. Bellacosa is counting on humanity to once again defeat tech artificial intelligence, just as the Enlightenment turned out to be not so enlightened.

By Joseph W. Bellacosa

6 minute read

May 08, 2023 | New York Law Journal

A Court of Appeals Rosetta Stone: Deciphering Almost 50 Years of Data

A court of last resort is more like an elegant boutique than an all-purposes/all-products department store.

By Joseph W. Bellacosa

11 minute read