February 23, 2021 | New York Law Journal
Will the Pandemic Put the Final Nail in the Coffin of On-Campus Interviewing?The time saved from not having to travel may allow for a broadening of the base of who the firms interview.
By Jill Backer
4 minute read
January 29, 2021 | New York Law Journal
New York City-Area Law Schools Form Law School Anti-Racism ConsortiumThis coalition of law school faculty, administrators, staff, students and alumni is committed to building an anti-racist culture and climate in law schools.
By Jill Backer
3 minute read
April 25, 2018 | New York Law Journal
What Is Diversity in the Legal Market? Or Is Everyone a Special Snowflake?The legal market is going to have to stop the rhetoric of diversity initiatives and pipeline programs and figure out how to actually increase the number of minorities in the profession, and in positions of leadership.
By Jill Backer
9 minute read
March 19, 2018 | New York Law Journal
Law School Employment Data Reporting: Are We Losing the Forest for the Trees?Career centers at law schools are faced with the sometimes competing interests of reporting data and building a service relationship with their new graduates. The regulators and indeed the legal profession as a whole need to decide what is important.
By Jill Backer
6 minute read
April 18, 2016 | New York Law Journal
Can Social Media Networking Help Your Job Search?Jill Backer, assistant dean for career and professional development at Pace Law School, discusses how LinkedIn and other social media platforms can be effective and beneficial modes of professional communication and networking if utilized properly and effectively.
By Jill Backer
10 minute read
August 17, 2015 | New York Law Journal
Hands-on Work Has Always Been VitalJill Backer of Pace Law School writes: Solid legal education has always contained the element of hands-on learning, whether in an apprenticeship or now in law school clinics or jobs with legal employers. Today, law schools are taking practical skills to a higher level to achieve the type of readiness that legal employers require and demand.
By Jill Backer
5 minute read
August 16, 2015 | New York Law Journal
Hands-on Work Has Always Been VitalJill Backer of Pace Law School writes: Solid legal education has always contained the element of hands-on learning, whether in an apprenticeship or now in law school clinics or jobs with legal employers. Today, law schools are taking practical skills to a higher level to achieve the type of readiness that legal employers require and demand.
By Jill Backer
5 minute read
May 22, 2015 | New York Law Journal
How Does Section 342 of Dodd-Frank Affect Legal Recruiting?Jill Backer, assistant dean for career and professional development at Pace Law School, writes: Section 342 will likely have a large impact on recruiting and diversity practices within the financial industry, and will also impact the legal industry as a vendor of the financial industry.
By Jill Backer
5 minute read
May 21, 2015 | New York Law Journal
How Does Section 342 of Dodd-Frank Affect Legal Recruiting?Jill Backer, assistant dean for career and professional development at Pace Law School, writes: Section 342 will likely have a large impact on recruiting and diversity practices within the financial industry, and will also impact the legal industry as a vendor of the financial industry.
By Jill Backer
5 minute read
April 20, 2015 | New York Law Journal
J.D. Advantage Versus J.D. Required: The Old Rules No Longer ApplyJill Backer, assistant dean of career and professional development at Pace Law School, writes: A J.D. is a versatile degree. So, why are the various regulators and reviewers of law schools making a sharp delineation between those graduates that are practicing law in the traditional sense which requires the Bar exam and those graduates using their degree in other ways?
By Jill Backer
6 minute read
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