Jackie Ford

Jackie Ford

May 20, 2020 | Texas Lawyer

Working From Home: No Longer a Remote Possibility

For many workers, what began as "temporary" work-from-home arrangements in March 2020 are still in place and may even become permanent.

By Jackie Ford

5 minute read

April 16, 2019 | Corporate Counsel

America's Opioid Crisis: What Employers and Their Counsel Need to Know

In addition to causing widespread misery in society as a whole, opioids are producing specific challenges in the workplace. As just one example, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports a 25-percent increase from 2012 to 2017 in the number of workers fatally overdosing on the job.

By Jackie Ford

6 minute read

November 01, 2017 | Texas Lawyer

Will New Laws Change Your Employee Handbook?

 On Jan. 1, 2016, Texas became the 45th state to allow some form of open carrying of firearms. The Texas statute allows licensed handgun owners…

By Jackie Ford

5 minute read

September 19, 2016 | Corporate Counsel

What University Scandals Teach In-House Counsel About Protecting Attorney-Client Privilege

Recent cases at Penn State and Baylor highlight fundamental aspects of any institutional investigation.

By Jackie Ford

20 minute read

April 11, 2016 | Texas Lawyer

Prepare for Significant Changes in Employment Law

The year 2016 will bring a new president of the United States. As human resources departments and employment lawyers are realizing, this year will also see changes to fundamental regulations governing the workplace.

By Jackie Ford

6 minute read

December 12, 2015 | Texas Lawyer

Houston HERO Defeat Doesn't Mean End of Discrimination Protections for LGBT

While the defeat of HERO eliminates one set of local rules related to employment of LGBT workers, federal statutes are increasingly being interpreted to provide similar benefits.

By Jackie Ford

5 minute read

December 11, 2015 | Texas Lawyer

Houston HERO Defeat Doesn't Mean End of Discrimination Protections for LGBT

While the defeat of HERO eliminates one set of local rules related to employment of LGBT workers, federal statutes are increasingly being interpreted to provide similar benefits.

By Jackie Ford

5 minute read

July 01, 2015 | Texas Lawyer

Same-Sex Marriage Decision a Win for Employers?

Truth to tell, most employers would prefer not to become involved in the details of their employees' personal lives. But from tax withholding to benefits administration, employers have no choice but to collect identifying information about their workers and, in many cases, those workers' family arrangements.

By Jackie Ford

5 minute read

July 01, 2015 | Texas Lawyer

Same-Sex Marriage Decision a Win for Employers?

Truth to tell, most employers would prefer not to become involved in the details of their employees' personal lives. But from tax withholding to benefits administration, employers have no choice but to collect identifying information about their workers and, in many cases, those workers' family arrangements.

By Jackie Ford

5 minute read

April 13, 2015 | National Law Journal

What Clinton's Email Troubles Can Teach Employers

Like the former secretary of state, too many businesses commingle work and personal traffic.

By Jackie Ford

6 minute read

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