January 31, 2023 | New York Law Journal
The New Pre-Argument Conference at the Appellate Division, First DepartmentOver the last 10 years, the Appellate Division, First Department, has developed what is called the pre-argument conference, or "conference before the conference"—what the authors describe as a "unique and forward-looking procedure that has not only improved productivity at the court but also enabled judges to be laser-focused in oral arguments."
By David B. Saxe, Joseph Kamelhar, Mahnoor Misbah and Sydney Reade
7 minute read
December 09, 2022 | New York Law Journal
Private Judges: How New York Can Unclog the BacklogChange may not be easy at first, but progress often does not happen without some form of change.
By Alan R. Feigenbaum and David B. Saxe
10 minute read
August 19, 2022 | New York Law Journal
Oral Argument: Easy Questions, Hard Questions—Be PreparedHow can you be prepared to respond to the frequently asked questions that you should be able to swat away? And, how should you respond to the unexpected ones—the questions that can rock you to the core—if you are unprepared?
By David B. Saxe and James M. Catterson
7 minute read
July 22, 2022 | New York Law Journal
Practical Tidbits on the Rebuttal Appellate ArgumentThe rebuttal argument is a highly useful opportunity to address the concerns of the panel as well as rebut the arguments of your adversary.
By David B. Saxe and Danielle C. Lesser
6 minute read
March 11, 2022 | New York Law Journal
On Becoming an Associate Justice of the Appellate Division, First DepartmentHow can trial judges who often have long-standing settled responsibilities in their trial parts become better prepared for the Appellate Division?
By David B. Saxe
7 minute read
January 18, 2022 | New York Law Journal
Some Thoughts on Oral Advocacy: Some Old, Some NewFormer associate justices of the Appellate Division, First Department, David Saxe and James Catterson offer a refresher on best oral argument techniques that may be helpful to the practitioner who has gotten use to the more laid‑back practices of "argument-by-Zoom."
By David B. Saxe and James M. Catterson
7 minute read
March 19, 2021 | New York Law Journal
Re-energizing an Injunctive Remedy To Stop UCC ForeclosuresThe COVID-19 pandemic has badly shaken the commercial real estate market. A recent First Department decision has thrown an unfortunate barrier up against the hope for a turnaround.
By Y. David Scharf, David B. Saxe and Aaron B. Lauchheimer
7 minute read
March 12, 2021 | New York Law Journal
A Proposal for Private Judging in New YorkNew York should take a cue from California and other states and amend the CPLR to allow for litigants to select "private judges" to decide civil disputes through final judgment at the trial court level.
By David B. Saxe and James M. Catterson
11 minute read
November 20, 2020 | New York Law Journal
Med-Arb: Is It the Wave of the Future?The pressure on the Alternate Dispute Resolution world to handle a dramatic increase in volume offers the opportunity to consider a third or hybrid process of dispute resolution known as Med-Arb, the melding of the two established conflict resolution processes—mediation and arbitration.
By David B. Saxe
7 minute read
November 03, 2020 | New York Law Journal
The Hearing-Challenged Attorney in the Courtroom—Progress and PitfallsThe hearing-challenged attorney does not seek to be defined by the disability or garner sympathy; rather, the hearing-challenged attorney seeks to be on equal footing with all attorneys and the court.
By David B. Saxe and Giovanna Tuttolomondo
10 minute read
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