Corinne Ball

Corinne Ball

August 21, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Distressed M&A: Surprises All Around Following a Creditor's Enforcement of a Pledge to Effect Change of Control

Beyond the precision that should be present in the pledge agreement, actually divesting control of a company may have unintended consequences.

By Corinne Ball

10 minute read

June 27, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Caution: Disputes Among Buyers at a Bankruptcy Sale Survive, 'Go Global Retail v. Dream on Me'

As recently discovered by a bidder following a bankruptcy sale, the 'Go Global Retail v. Dream on Me' decision once again confirms that there are limits to the protection provided by statutory mootness and bankruptcy court sale orders.

By Corinne Ball

8 minute read

April 24, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Has the Seventh Circuit Opened the Door for Distressed Investors Through Limiting the Risk of Failed LBOs or Other Stock Sales?

In March, the Seventh Circuit held that the same safe harbor provisions in the Bankruptcy Code may also extend to leveraged acquisitions structured as a purchase of privately held stock.

By Corinne Ball

10 minute read

February 21, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Creditor Remedies Prevail in Delaware

This article addresses how a Creditor's Committee may sue members of an LLC, despite Delaware law limitations, and how prebankruptcy exercise of proxy rights in reliance on Delaware law are upheld in a subsequent bankruptcy case.

By Corinne Ball

12 minute read

December 27, 2023 | New York Law Journal

Texas Bankruptcy Court Holds Code Overrides State Law on Expulsion

In her Distress Mergers and Acquisitions column, Corinne Ball discusses the recent case "In re Envision Healthcare Corp," where the Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Texas confronted an apparent conflict between applicable Delaware law and the Bankruptcy Code, determining that the Bankruptcy Code overrides state law and protects a debtor from expulsion by its fellow LLC members.

By Corinne Ball

12 minute read

October 25, 2023 | New York Law Journal

The Calculus of Default, Cure and Reinstatement of a Loan in Chapter 11 Gains Clarity in New York

Distress investors ought to take heed from the analysis set forth in 'In re Golden Seahorse.' The Bankruptcy Court for the United States Southern District of New York confronted a legacy of divergent cases, arguments among commentators and a somewhat ambiguous legislative history on the issue of cure requirements for reinstatement of a loan with favorable terms to its prepetition status

By Corinne Ball

14 minute read

August 23, 2023 | New York Law Journal

PETs, Winner Take All and New Protections for Independent Directors/Serta Confirms Plan

In her Distressed Mergers and Acquisitions column, Corinne Ball discusses 'In re Serta Simmons Bedding,' where, "ruling on the validity of the PET, the court addressed the role of equity, as well as the covenant of good faith and fair dealing, emphasizing that lender versus lender warfare is a "winner-take-all battle."

By Corinne Ball

15 minute read

April 25, 2023 | New York Law Journal

Fifth Circuit Recognizes Finality of Bankruptcy Sale Orders

Fifth Circuit lauds bankruptcy courts, pointing to the importance of finality for bankruptcy sale orders and the damaging impact of COVID-19 on the debtor's business, to affirm good faith purchaser status of an affiliated purchaser.

By Corinne Ball

13 minute read

February 22, 2023 | New York Law Journal

Fifth Circuit Orders Bankruptcy Court to Abstain from Deciding Issues Relating to Public Electricity Market

In her latest Distress M&A column, Corinne Ball discusses the recent decision in 'Elec. Reliability Council of Texas v. Just Energy,' which she believes participants in state-regulated industries, such as utilities, should pay special attention to. The decision, ordering abstention, "raises the possibility that a state-regulated debtor may face real challenges in a reorganization if it seeks to dramatically alter its obligations to a state or quasi-state agency."

By Corinne Ball

13 minute read

December 21, 2022 | New York Law Journal

Second Circuit Weighs In on Whether the Bankruptcy Code Requires Payment of Post-Petition Interest on Unsecured Claims

The Bankruptcy Code 502(b)(2) provision has been a point of contention when a solvent debtor prosecutes and confirms a plan that does not provide for the payment of post-petition interest.

By Corinne Ball

16 minute read

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